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Pivot Resume Template

The words "Free Resource" and "Pivot Resume Template" on a light purple background with a picture of Cristin pointing to the words

This resume template earned my clients $1.6 million more last year as they changed careers.

I usually only use this template with my one-to-one clients, but I believe everyone should be able to change careers if they want to so I wanted to share it with you.

This FREE template:

🌟 Is Mad-Libs style / plug and play

🌟 Includes simple directions on how to complete each section

🌟 Provides clear directions to describe your work experience in a transferable way

Grab this free template (as a Google Doc and Microsoft Word file) and adjust it per job or per industry for the career change that you're trying to make.

Stop trying to make your pivot resume from scratch and sign up today!

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